Saturday, February 4, 2012

Facebook--more like Facecreep

If Facebook were a country it would be the third most populated in the world. How crazy is that? When I try and wrap my head around how many people have access to my personal information it frightens me a bit. Although Facebook has created many privacy settings, you may not really know who is creeping on your pictures or information. I stumbled upon this Facebook Awareness video a few months ago and it made me re-think what I posted on the internet, you will never know who can see you.
This video was all over Facebook in an attempt to warn users that everyone can see what you post. The man in this video is on edge, creepy and a replica of what is seen in a horror movie, and he is flipped through your personal pictures, post and friends. I respect the scare tactic used in this video, I think it truly got the point across to keep your information private as well as be knowledgeable that whatever is put on the internet can be seen by all. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG! This is incredibly creepy. I'm actually going to post this on my Facebook profile. Yikes!

    Thanks for sharing this.

